The President of Tanzania, Africa

Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete   |   Case Study


  •  Jakaya Kikwete was The United Republic of Tanzania's Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and a presidential candidate for the country's CCM Party
  •  Recognising that he needed to make the most of both domestic and international media interviews as well as platform and parliamentary presentations, he wanted to explore coaching to see if he could further improve his already excellent communication skills
  •  We were recommended to the Minister and he turned to us for help


  •  A series of short coaching sessions delivered whilst travelling during his election campaign and a private Serengeti safari retreat in Tanzania
  •  Focusing on both national and international formal presentations, including the use of a prompting system, in both English and Swahili languages


  •  Mr. Kikwete became President of Tanzania in 2005, gaining over 80% of the vote with a total turnout of 72%
  •  He became a darling of the Western media, attracting massive investment including a record $1 billion+ health initiative and $500m of direct investment after a tour of the country by US President Bush
  •  His ability to present and communicate well in both English and Swahili were decisive factors in his success
  •  He was also subsequently elected President of The African Union and was the first African leader to meet with US President Obama at The White House
  •  We continued to provide advice to President Kikwete and his team and he was subsequently re-elected as President for a second and final 5-year term in November 2010
  •  We also provided presentation, media and English language coaching for his wife, The First Lady Mama Salma Kikwete, who's a prolific charity campaigner highlighting African womens' issues on the international stage

  •  You can read more about this project in our news section:
