Speaker Training
for Trade Shows & Events

Speaker preparation, coaching & rehearsal

Specialist speaker coaching and training For leaders, individuals and teams fronting major national and international events, financial roadshows and product launches

Unrivalled experience I've successfully coached everyone from Presidents of countries to presidents of car manufacturers, directors of construction projects to AGM chairpeople

Working quickly, effectively and in sympathy with the staging of your event I often oversee dress rehearsals on-site. And, for press events, I can also provide simultaneous media training ensuring your team presents a congruent message

Providing value and enhancement to even the most polished of presenters Ensuring your speakers stand-out, connect and deliver a return on the considerable investment that goes into the staging of events

Benefit from my experience

Over the past 30+ years I've successfully prepared speakers for all manner of events including...

Sharing the stage with three serving Presidents of the USA

Stars & hosts for some of TV's biggest hit shows including five BAFTA winners

Major worldwide retail product launches

Leading international motor shows including Geneva, Paris and Frankfurt

International sport stars facing the world's press after winning - and losing

Events on an epic scale including a live audience of over 25,000

Crisis-induced press conferences

Presidential leadership campaigns

Globally-televised music and showbiz events

Global medical conferences with a yearly 12,000+ audience

Keynote presentations at the United Nations, New York

Financial and employee roadshows

Live grillings on BBC's "Watchdog" and "Newsnight"

The launch of the 2012 Olympic site in London

Speakers at various World Economic Forums

Helping your speakers shine

Protecting your investment
  • Staging
    For ambitious events, I'll ensure your speakers work in sympathy with the set and staging so stagecraft etiquette is followed and technical requirements are embraced, providing the perfect bridge between your event producer and the speaker
  • Visual aids
    I can help with slide preparation and editing whilst ensuring every visual aid is only included if absolutely necessary and as an enhancement, not distraction, to both the message and the speaker
  • Top teams together
    Where your speakers are presenting together, I'll ensure individual personalities and qualities are preserved whilst teams deliver as a joined-up, united and congruent unit
  • Script editing and preparation
    With the objective viewpoint only an outsider can bring, I'll ensure the cr*p is duly cut, the message is clear and leaders deliver like leaders
  • Non-native English speakers delivering in English
    For international events where English is the presentational language, I have stacks of experience helping non-native English speakers deliver confidently; whilst at the same time preserving unique cultural qualities allowing their true personalities to shine
  • Autocue and teleprompter training
    As the world's most successful trainer of TV presenters - the most experienced users of teleprompting systems - I'm perfectly placed to ensure your speakers use them well so they're comfortable, conversational and convincing
  • Delivering without notes or apparent prompt
    This is my speciality and I can boost your speaker's leadership reputation by helping them deliver without the apparent use of any prompting or notes
  • Media interviews and press conferences
    I can provide seamless and simultaneous media training, ensuring your key people represent your brand effectively when taking questions from the press

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Presentation Skills Trainingexplore my mini-site for more information

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Client Testimonials

Speaker Coaching & Training Feedback
 - Testimonial

"Everybody gave their best presentation ever!"

It was a great success! We received many compliments about our multi-lingual speaking performances and everybody managed to give their best presentation ever! As a group, we were also able to motivate each other - we appreciated your efforts a lot.

Mirjam van Buchem Events Manager, Mitsubishi Motors Europe, Netherlands
 - Testimonial

"They looked like they belonged on the stage"

The roadshow went well, the presenters were clearly improved in their technique and delivery and they looked more like they belonged on the stage. Feedback from the event (we survey all staff) confirms that others agree with me. In particular, the CEO appreciated the opportunity and help and was very happy with his progress and GiIlian gets better and better. Thanks again for all your help.

Dan Hooker RM plc
 - Testimonial

"The feedback was just overwhelming"

The event was a big success. My performance must have been really great as I got congratulations from all sides. I did everything without any cards. I often smiled and I opened my arms. Like you told me. That was basically it. But the feedback was just overwhelming...! I even got flowers this morning from one of the most critical persons in the past.

Chris Buecker CEO, Expert International GmbH - international retailer with 7,500 stores worldwide
 - Testimonial

"Was cynical about the coaching but I've been proved wrong"

What can I say? I think that the results you achieved with [the board of a multi-billion pound organisation] were marvellous! Having worked with these gentlemen for a little while now, it was very evident that they were now very much more comfortable with themselves on the stage and in front of an audience. They were animated and enthusiastic, and your diredions to them regarding their duties as representatives of their company were spot on. I have always been a bit cynical about what we might get out of the coaching, but I have been proved wrong.

Ellie Swinhoe Fisher Productions - leading large-scale event producer
 - Testimonial

"Delegates described my presentation as "awesome""

Well, success. Just got back from giving a speech at a presentation in The Hague. Actually had delegates describing my presentation as "awesome"… and, even better, given the focus of my last session with Glenn, I had compliments from both delegates and organisers to the effect that they liked the way I delivered my talk because I was the only speaker at the event who used PowerPoint as a background visual aid and then spoke around the subject - whereas all the others merely took delegates through the contents of their slides rather than adding anything extra.

Charles Christian Legal News Media
 - Testimonial

"Wonderful feedback"

Thank you for your work with our CEO. His speech yesterday at both the press and public launches, received some wonderful feedback. In my opinion he appeared extremely confident and relaxed and others said the same.

Caroline Gestwicki Brighton Festival & Dome, Brighton & Hove Council
 - Testimonial

"I feel ten times more inspired"

Not only did your approach give me a great insight into the makings of a natural speaker, as a result of the session I feel ten times more inspired to go out there and enjoy the experience. The tour went brilliantly and the training you gave me proved absolutely invaluable in my new MC role.

Paul Querfurth Crown Business Communications
 - Testimonial

"I was completely confident facing the 25,000+ people in the audience"

After working with Glenn a couple of days before the event, I was completely confident when it came to facing the 25,000+ people in the audience at 'The Global Peace and Unity Event'. Thanks again for your help - it was priceless.

Sajid Varda event host
 - Testimonial

"I didn't require any notes for my speech and received nothing but praise"

I must confess that when I got home after our session last week my family were less than supportive about adopting your approach, believing I would still require notes for my speech. On the day I obviously felt nervous, but once I got on stage everything went well. The room was totally silent (the guests were probably stunned), they seemed interested, I didn't require any notes and I received nothing but praise - even the Channel 5 presenter said I was a natural. Thanks again for your time last week, you really did save me from doing a dreadful written speech.

John Griffin Chairman, The Lighthouse Club