TV Shopping Guest
Presenter Training

Coaching for guests & sales-people on teleshopping channels, social media & infomercials

Helping you sell more

Specialist training for guest presenters, demonstrators and product reps on TV retail teleshopping channels, QVC, social media and infomercials, including:

New retailers & guests Those new to TV shopping needing to make the most of an upcoming product launch

Experienced guest presenters Wanting to hone their pitch, lift their sales and maximise their potential

Audition preparation 100% success rate preparing new guests to pass auditions for QVC, Ideal World, HSN and others

The Need

Selling on camera for TV & online
  • How to get it right
    It's a combination of good product, gaining trust and empathy with an audience you can't see and understanding the unique sales psychology of the teleshopping environment
  • Today's audiences
    Are sophisticated, cynical and savvy. With access to 24/7 TV on tap and the experience of watching thousands of speakers, their bulls**t detectors are finely tuned
  • Even the best sales people can struggle on-screen
    Carefully crafted pitch techniques that work in the real world are often impotent when you're collectively selling to thousands of prospective customers you can't see or hear - all with their own individual "hot buttons", preferences and needs
  • Opportunity knocks once
    There's immense competition to get products on a reputable channel and you rarely get more than one chance to deliver. If it sells, your business can skyrocket. And if doesn't, you're unlikely to be invited back
  • Other factors
    Add to this the technical considerations of a TV environment along with the different presenting styles of shopping hosts - with whom it's also important to "gel" - it's no surprise even the most innovative products can fail to sell
  • Tap into my expertise
    As well as retailers, I've successfully trained more than 70 TV shopping hosts, many of whom are at the top of their game. And, as my clients continually testify, coaching from me can make a massive difference to your sales

Benefits & Results

After coaching with me you can expect...

Increased sales

Accompanied by a massive boost in confidence and competence with presentations delivered in a "conversational style" that just "feels right"

Re-usable knowledge

An understanding of how to easily sell on-screen regardless of product, based upon a clear and consistent philosophy I've developed over the past 30 years

Personalities are preserved

Effortlessly educate and inform. Authentic pitches, delivered as they were meant to be received, staying true to the speaker

I won't need to come back

I work quickly and permanently. My coaching is designed so you experience it once and reap the benefits far into the future

Rapid results

Your investment in coaching will deliver a return, as my kind testimonials and case studies continually demonstrate

No results, no fee guarantee

Simple. If I don't get results or you're unhappy in any way, you don't pay

Why me?


Experience and success rate

I've personally coached over 3,000 TV presenters, journalists and hosts. Over 700 previous media virgins alone have found roles on-screen after my training, many of whom are now household names

Speedy results

A fresh, unconventional and unique approach that gets results – fast. I tend to work with very busy people so have to deliver in a matter of hours not days. Check out my case studies to see what I can achieve

Creating individuals, not "presenters"

I steer clear of all but the most fundamental “do’s and don’ts” suggesting there’s only one way to deliver a successful presentation. You know the kind of thing - "rehearse, rehearse, rehearse", "top 5 tips", "breathing exercises to free the inner you" etc. Imperfections can make things better, not worse, particularly when uniqueness is a driving factor for success

No drama school theatrics

I won't show you how to "perform" or "put on an act". Instead, we'll leverage the reason you were hired in the first place - your unique personality and skills. I'll show you how to successfully transfer your off-air persona to the on-air screen, without the typical "wooden" image that often accompanies a nervous presenter who feels like they're on public show

Spotting one of my clients is difficult

Instead of the distinctive air of someone who's been "trained", chances are an individual coached by me will appear to be a "natural". At ease with themselves, inspiring the trust needed to influence, engage and keep viewers watching

That's why producers like me

Producers work with me because they know I won't shoe-horn their talent into a standard format or style. They want the quirkiness, eccentricities and spontaneity of their star to blossom, not mute. And delivering that is what I'm good at

Proven track record

The broadcasters favourite

I've trained presenters and hosts for most of the key broadcasters including the BBC, ITV companies, C4, C5 and a multitude of international channels. I've provided my services on behalf of over 50 independent production companies for TV and online projects as well as some of the industry's top celebrity, sports and presenter management agencies

Over 30 years experience

With clients in over 20 different countries and a business built almost exclusively on personal recommendation, I've been coaching since 1991. My work's been featured in numerous TV and documentary features as well as over 40 articles in the UK press alone. My corporate client list includes some of the world's biggest companies

Benefit from the company I keep

I learn by doing. My colourful client list, mainly comprised of leaders in their respective fields, be it corporate, media or public life – provides me with continued exposure to a broad range of sectors, attitudes and beliefs. This is reflected in the content of my work, ensuring you're provided with skills and techniques backed up by tried, tested and proven experience

701 Success Stories

Some of the people I've coached

Glenn Kinsey

About me
Glenn Kinsey

It all started by accident.

I was a 21 year old working in British broadcasting and successfully coached some novice TV presenters.  A national newspaper wrote about it.  And my phone didn't stop ringing.

Since then, over the past 30 years, I've helped some of the biggest names in business, politics, celebrity and media be more confident, more compelling and more effective in their presentations.

I learn more from each and every client and pass that on to the next one. You'll have the benefit of that collective knowledge whether you're trying to sell, present, persuade, motivate or connect.

More about me

Your coaching

Built around you

Each session is unique Tailored specifically to match your needs, background and the job you have to do

Your place or mine One to one or group training. At your venue or my London, UK TV training studio

Flexible duration To suit your needs. From a few hours to a full day. For a specific role or a range of scenarios

Guide Fees

Everyone's needs are different so every quote is bespoke - but, to help you budget, here's some examples of the most common basic options

Half Day

Most Popular
£ 2,150 + vat
  • No results, no fee guarantee
  • At your venue or my London, UK
    TV training studio
  • Custom built around you
  • Intensive, 1 to 1 coaching
  • Professional footage
  • Post-training feedback
  • "Advice for life"

Full Day

Individual 1 to 1
£ 3,850 + vat
  • No results, no fee guarantee
  • At your venue or my London, UK
    TV training studio
  • Custom built around you
  • Intensive, 1 to 1 coaching
  • Professional footage
  • Post-training feedback
  • "Advice for life"

No results, no fee guarantee

I know that no matter what the assurances, investing in training is always a risk.  That's why, for peace of mind, if I don't get results or you're unhappy in any way, you don't pay.  This way, we can both have the utmost confidence in your investment.

Booking FAQ's

How do I book?

Just give us a call or drop us a line with your details and a bit of background. We'll get the ball rolling and schedule a call to fully understand what you're trying to achieve. You'll then receive our recommendations and an accurate quote so you've got everything you need to make a decision.

Do you work worldwide?

Yes, I have a base in both London, UK and Los Angeles, USA and regularly work in other locations - get in touch with your requirements and we'll come up with the best solution for your needs.

Can you coach online?

Yes. I regularly coach clients online via video call / Zoom / Teams and can record and playback for review. Get in touch.