Presentation | Public Speaking
Skills Training

Amaze Me

Presentation Skills Training

Follow in the footsteps of some of the world's biggest names with help from star presentation coach, Glenn Kinsey

What if you could just get up and talk?  But more than that...

The right words just came to you.  And it flowed, connecting with everyone, not someone.  People paid attention.  It felt natural because it was natural.  You didn't need notes and your preparation time was minutes rather than hours.

As a result, whether they liked you or not, they actively listened and you got
their respect.

You looked, sounded and felt like a leader.

This is what I've been showing people how to do for the past 30 years.  You may not have heard of me but chances are you've listened to a speaker coached by me.

From the world's most famous to the world's most anonymous.  TV stars, Presidents, billionaires, Olympians, CEO's.  Professionals, teenagers, pensioners, business owners.  For some, I'm their best kept secret.

My clients are different, so my training's different.  But whether they're new or seasoned public speakers, they all have one thing in common - good enough isn't enough.  They want exceptional results in the shortest possible time.

If that sounds like you, you've come to the right place.


What I do

Specialist presentation skills training For anyone whose ability to communicate well is crucial to their success

One-to-one or groups For all levels including new, experienced and seasoned public speakers

Rapid, lasting results Delivering significant improvements for even the most skilled speakers, in hours not days

Leaders a speciality From the most anonymous to the most famous. And if you're not a leader right now, I'll show you how to deliver like one

Genuinely different My approach is unlike any other. No fluff, no nonsense, just powerful results

No results, no fee guarantee If I don't get results or you're unhappy in any way, you don't pay

Why most presentation skills training doesn't work

Today's audiences are sophisticated

With experience of countless meetings, presentations and TV on tap, our bullsh*t detectors are finely tuned. We just know when someone isn't comfortable. We know when they're not being straight with us. And we know when the style of delivery doesn't match the message. We can feel it

Traditional presentation skills theory is often to blame

Armed with a list of "do's and don'ts", speakers become over-prepared "actors" playing the part of public speakers and fail to connect with their audience. It looks false, feels false and sounds false

Think of the best speakers you've seen

I'd wager they're conversational in style, delivering in a convincing, effortless way even when they're in a formal environment. Showing you how to make this happen is where I shine

Why you should break the rules

If you or your brand are being presented as a leader...

you must deliver like a leader

And true leaders stand out from the crowd

They inspire. They're not over-rehearsed, nor too polished. They articulate with a clarity that's understood by all, rather than resort to convoluted corporate-speak. They deliver from the heart, like naturally gifted communicators, rather than formally trained ones

You've got these qualities already

If you're in a leadership position, you're probably a strong communicator, even if you don't realise it. Because to rise up the ladder, you've had to negotiate, motivate and captivate - weak communicators don't tend to get on

The problem is that you've typically built these skills

in one-to-one meetings, learning on the job rather than on a more public stage. And, when it comes to formal presentation settings, you're failing to transfer these natural abilities, instead presenting like many of those around you - badly

This is what I'm good at

showing you how to effortlessly "be yourself" in the high stress environment that often accompanies a formal presentation, leaving you with the ability to say the right thing, in the right way, at the right time

After coaching with me you can expect

A massive boost in confidence and competence

with presentations delivered in a "conversational style" that just "feels right"

Minimum preparation, maximum impact

You'll drastically cut your preparation time yet achieve greater impact


The very personality that's got you where you are today is preserved, not diluted. And delivery feels effortless and natural

I won't need to come back

I work quickly and permanently. My coaching is designed so you experience it once and reap the benefits far into the future, being able to apply it to any formal or informal presentation

Bottom-line results

Whatever you're selling - be it your message, your service or your business - your investment in coaching will deliver a return; as my kind testimonials and case studies continually demonstrate


Built around you

Each session is unique Tailored specifically to match your needs, background and the results you're trying to achieve

Your place or mine One to one or group settings. At your venue or my London, UK training studio

Flexible duration To suit your needs. From a few hours to a full day's group workshop, or a series of short sessions


Almost 100% practical, learn-by-doing approach

with no dreary lectures or textbook theories

Building confidence through proof

with recording and playback, you'll immediately see the measurable effects of the coaching on both confidence and competence

I give you what you need, not what you already know

My training style is sufficiently flexible and advanced to ensure I go at your pace, instead of working within a rigid structure. This means your time is maximised for optimal benefit and cost effectiveness

And, if your training is in a group setting

...coaching is still predominantly 1 to 1 meaning I can simultaneously challenge and deliver value to both experienced and inexperienced speakers alike. And, by working as a group, participants can collectively pick up subtle nuances and techniques by experiencing their colleagues' differing approaches and skills

You'll receive a professional recording

of all the practical exercises, vividly illustrating your growth throughout the training

You'll also receive an individually-tailored, smartphone-friendly "aide memoire"

highlighting the specific conclusions and key points of the coaching and - clients tell us - a wonderful boost when referred to immediately prior to a presentation

"Advice for life"

My clients - whenever they feel they need it - have access to unlimited informal advice, giving re-assurance, a confidence boost and broad-based guidance prior to any key presentation


Content is always tailored to your specific needs but here's 15 things you'll typically learn...

How to rule the room

Little-known techniques to ensure everyone is attentively listening, even before you speak

Do it without notes

How to deliver your presentation without a handheld script or prompts - and make it stronger as a result

It’s not what you say...

But how you say it. Discovering why focusing on the script and not the message is fatal

Persuade, influence, engage

How to press the hot buttons of your audience by drawing on the conclusions of proven presentation psychology

Increase your likeability

Devastatingly effective advanced language patterns to positively increase your impact on a larger proportion of the audience

Get everyone focused on you

Simple techniques to connect with the whole room, whether an audience of a dozen or thousands

Presentational body language

Myths and truths surrounding body language and how to use this to your advantage

Change hearts, change minds

And connect with the audience even when they don't like you very much

Stage presence

How to "work the stage" whether a meeting room, an auditorium or an arena

Questions and answers

Learning how to effectively handle tricky questions, whether friendly or hostile, supportive or mischievous - and in a way that reinforces and increases respect for both you and the questioner

“I’ve started… now I’ll finish”

The very best ways to begin and end your presentations with maximum influence and impact. And all without resorting to staid platitudes or cheesy stories

Dodge “Death by PowerPoint”

Bringing your presentation and its content alive by using slides as an enhancement instead of a crutch. When to use them and what to put on them

Minimum preparation, maximum impact

Challenging the common theory that “preparation is everything” and showing how your presentations can be better, not worse, by severely cutting back on your preparation

Banish the nerves for good

Common-sense strategies for ridding yourself of the needless fears that often accompany a formal presentation. And all without the use of the likes of gimmicky breathing exercises and mumbo-jumbo self-talk

The one main reason...

Why otherwise confident speakers can be struck by debilitating nerves on the platform, curbing their natural conversational style. And, if this is you, how to turn your presentations around instantly

Why come to me?

If this is what you're looking for

Speedy results

A fresh, unconventional and unique approach that gets results – fast. I tend to work with very busy people so have to deliver in a matter of hours not days. Check out my case studies to see what I can achieve

No drama school theatrics

Unlike the traditional approach, I won’t show you how to “put on an act”. Instead, we'll leverage the reason you were hired in the first place - your unique personalities and skills

Creating leaders, not "public speakers"

I constantly challenge the standard list of “do’s and don’ts” which suggest there’s only one way to make a successful presentation. You know the kind of thing - "rehearse, rehearse, rehearse", "top 5 tips", "here's some breathing exercises to free the inner you" etc. Whilst well-meaning, I believe much of it is nonsense in the real world.

Embracing your personality

Instead, I'll show you how to successfully take advantage of your own distinctive, conversational style - in other words, be the best you can possibly be. Leaders in all fields tend to have reached their position through thinking, behaving and communicating differently. So we'll capitalise on your unique personality, not stifle it

I flick the switch

You may not realise this but you already know how to deliver a fantastic presentation. You don't need off the shelf workbooks, cheesy mnemonics or five-point plans. But you do need a coach that can help you get to that "aha!" moment in the shortest possible time. I'm really good at instinctively knowing how to flick that switch

Spotting one of my clients is difficult

We've all seen a mechanical, over-trained speaker. Whilst technically perfect, they lack the depth and connection needed to lead. My clients don't look like they've had any training. That's because they tend to appear like "natural communicators", at ease with themselves and their audience, inspiring the trust needed to influence and engage

Proven track record

Over 30 years experience

With clients in over 20 different countries and a business built almost exclusively on personal recommendation, I've been coaching since 1991. My work's been featured in numerous TV and documentary features as well as over 40 articles in the UK press alone

Diverse know-how

I've successfully helped individuals win Presidential elections, sell their businesses, educate, change attitudes, raise finance, win contracts and transform cultures - all through powerful presentations. My corporate client list includes some of the world's biggest companies and I typically work with clients at the highest levels both nationally and internationally

The most difficult a speciality

Surely the most challenging and stressful speaking opportunity, I've personally coached over 3,000 TV presenters, hosts and journalists, many of whom present to millions of viewers and are now household names. I've also helped prepare hundreds of executives, celebrities and public figures before facing the media - often one of the most hostile "audiences" imaginable

Benefit from the company I keep

I learn by doing. My colourful client list, mainly comprised of leaders in their respective fields, be it corporate, media or public life – provides me with continued exposure to a broad range of sectors, attitudes and beliefs. This is reflected in the content of my work, ensuring you're provided with skills and techniques backed up by tried, tested and proven experience

Benefit from my experience

Over the past 30+ years I've successfully prepared speakers for all manner of events including...

Sharing the stage with three serving Presidents of the USA

Stars & hosts for some of TV's biggest hit shows including five BAFTA winners

Major worldwide retail product launches

Leading international motor shows including Geneva, Paris and Frankfurt

International sport stars facing the world's press after winning - and losing

Events on an epic scale including a live audience of over 25,000

Crisis-induced press conferences

Presidential leadership campaigns

Globally-televised music and showbiz events

Global medical conferences with a yearly 12,000+ audience

Keynote presentations at the United Nations, New York

Financial and employee roadshows

Live grillings on BBC's "Watchdog" and "Newsnight"

The launch of the 2012 Olympic site in London

Speakers at various World Economic Forums

Case Studies

Glenn Kinsey

About me

Glenn Kinsey

It all started by accident.

I was a 21 year old working in British broadcasting and successfully coached some novice TV presenters.  A national newspaper wrote about it.  And my phone didn't stop ringing.

Since then, over the past 25 years, I've helped some of the biggest names in business, politics, celebrity and media be more confident, more compelling and more effective in their presentations.

I learn more from each and every client and pass that on to the next one. You'll have the benefit of that collective knowledge whether you're trying to present, persuade, sell, motivate or connect.

More about me


Guide Fees

Everyone's needs are different so every quote is bespoke - but, to help you budget, here's some examples of the most common basic options

Public Course

One Day
£ 1,250 + vat
  • No results, no fee guarantee
  • Held in Central London, UK
  • Professional video recording
  • Post-training feedback
  • "Advice for life"
  • Maximum 6 participants,
    price per person

Half Day

Most Popular
£ 2,150 + vat
  • No results, no fee guarantee
  • At your venue or my London, UK
    training studio
  • Intensive, 1 to 1 coaching
  • Professional video recording
  • Post-training feedback
  • "Advice for life"

Full Day

Individual 1 to 1
£ 3,850 + vat
  • No results, no fee guarantee
  • At your venue or my London, UK
    training studio
  • Intensive, 1 to 1 coaching
  • Professional video recording
  • Post-training feedback
  • "Advice for life"

Full Day Group

Group Workshop
£ 4,350 + vat
  • No results, no fee guarantee
  • At your venue or my London, UK
    training studio
  • 4 to 6 participants recommended
  • Professional video recording
  • Post-training feedback
  • "Advice for life"

No results, no fee guarantee

I know that no matter what the assurances, investing in training is always a risk.  That's why, for peace of mind, if I don't get results or you're unhappy in any way, you don't pay.  This way, we can both have the utmost confidence in your investment.

Booking FAQ's

How do I book?

Just give us a call or drop us a line with your details and a bit of background. We'll get the ball rolling and schedule a call to fully understand what you're trying to achieve. You'll then receive our recommendations and an accurate quote so you've got everything you need to make a decision.

Do you work worldwide?

Yes, I have a base in both London, UK and Los Angeles, USA and regularly work in other locations - get in touch with your requirements and we'll come up with the best solution for your needs.

Can you coach online?

Yes. I regularly coach clients online via video call / Zoom / Teams and can record and playback for review. Get in touch.